Religious Education

Year 7, 8 and 9

In years 7- 9 students follow the Lancashire Agreed syllabus for Religious Education. The aim of this syllabus is to support their personal search for meaning by engaging enquiry into the question ‘What does it mean to be human?’ exploring answers offered by religious and non-religious worldviews. Studying religious and non-religious worldviews is essential if pupils are to be well prepared for life in our increasingly diverse society. They need to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to make sense of the complex world in which they live so that they can ‘respect religious and cultural differences and contribute to a cohesive and compassionate society’. (RE Review 2013). Teaching and learning in RE at Moor Park aims to deepen students’ knowledge and understanding of religion and world views. They explore challenging questions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, the self and the nature of reality and moral issues. By exploring issues within and across faiths, students learn to understand different religions, beliefs, values and traditions and their influence on individuals, societies, communities and cultures. The curriculum specifies knowledge and skills which build towards clear goals at the end of each year ensuring that the curriculum at Moor Park is progressive, clearly sequenced and suitably ambitious.

In RE, students are participants and not simply recipients of learning. This means that enquiry is at the heart of teaching and learning in order to actively develop curiosity, investigative and questioning skills and an enquiring mind. Learning is varied and is made relevant to the lives of our students enabling them to take their place within a diverse multi-religious and multi- secular society.

Please click on the buttons below for more information about the curriculum for RE.

Year 10 and 11

GCSE RE is taught in years 10 and 11, where AQA Specification A is delivered. The religions Christianity and Islam are studied (paper 1) alongside Themes (A,B,D and E) for paper 2.  This course provides an opportunity for students to engage with a variety of topical questions around belief, values, meaning, purpose and truth. Students learn about different religious beliefs and the importance, significance and relevance of the different practices to believers today.  Students reflect on and develop their own values, beliefs and attitudes in light of what they have learnt.  A range of relevant and contemporary themes are studied that promote awareness of modern-world issues and engagement within the classroom. Students of all abilities are challenged and inspired, whilst developing valuable skills such as debating, evaluating and essay writing.

Please click on the buttons below for more information about the curriculum for RE.
