September 2024 Intake

Congratulations, your child has been offered a place at Moor Park High School and Sixth Form!

We use a website called Applicaa for our admissions and transition process in order for all our parents to have one, simple, easy to use, online process.

All our important dates, reminders and communications will be sent electronically via Applicaa.

You should have all completed your admission pack via Applicaa by now, but do please contact us if you are having any issues.

Contact with Primary School

Mrs Hargreaves or Mr Gray, our transition team, will contact all year 6 teachers to learn more about each individual student. Our SENCO will also be contacting all primary schools regarding any additional support students may require.

Induction Day for Students – Monday 1 July 2024 at 9am until 3pm

All students starting in year 7 in September will attend our induction day. They will need to arrive on the school yard by 9am. They will meet their new tutor group, some of their teachers , experience some lessons and an assembly. The day will end at 3pm when they should be collected by their parent/carer via St. Thomas’s Road.

New Intake Information Event for Parents

This is the opportunity for parents/carers to visit us by attending our information event that is being held on the same day your child has their Induction Day on Monday 1 July 2024 at 5.30pm. The new intake information event will give parents the opportunity to meet key staff including the deputy head teacher, head of year 7 and transition coordinator; learn more about the school’s routines and expectations; learn how parents can be involved with the school and to discuss concerns about starting high school.

First Day of School

Your child will need to arrive on the yard via St. Thomas’s Road at 8.35am on Wednesday 4 September 2024 in full Moor Park school uniform, ready to start school. In the first term we will hold a parent and tutor event so we can discuss your child’s transition to high school.

For the most up to day information please check the Year 7 Transition pages on our website where you will find our school uniform list, term dates, school meal information and much more.

You can also follow us on social media:

Facebook: @MoorParkHS

Twitter: @MoorParkTweets

YouTube: Moor Park
