Year 9 Options

All students have now had their options assembly and received their options booklet.

To support students and parents through the process we have dedicated this area of the school website to Year 9 Options. This area contains useful information and resources to help students and their parents make informed decisions about the options being selected.

Next Steps



Thursday 6 March

Options Assembly
Introduction to the options process and option blocks

Thursday 6 March

Dedicated Options Area on School Website
Here you will find lots of information about options including a copy of the options booklet and presentation

Wednesday 19 March

Options Taster Selection
In form students will select the subjects they would like to experience as part of our  options taster day.

Thursday 27 March

Options Taster Day
Students will sample KS4 lessons in the subjects they are interested in studying. This will help students make an informed decision when selecting their final options.

Monday 31 March

Careers Information & Guidance and English Baccalaureate (EBacc) Assembly

Monday 31 March

Options Selection Form Launched on Teams
You will find your options selection form in the Year 9 area of Teams

Friday 28 March & Friday 4 April

Options interviews
Students will meet a member of the Senior Leadership team for an options discussion. This is an opportunity to ask questions, discuss potential options and check that they fit into future career plans.

Thursday 24 April

Year 9 Parents Evening
Collect your child’s report and meet their class teachers. You will have the opportunity to have conversations about your child’s learning, KS4 courses and the options process.

Friday 25 April

Deadline for Option Forms
You must have completed your options selection form on Teams by this date.
