Careers at Moor Park

Welcome to careers (CEIAG) in year 7

This year you need to think about where you want to be at the end of year 13. Decided which careers or jobs you would most like to have. Talk to anyone who will listen! To find out more about careers in your favourite subjects, use UNIFROG in tutor time and at home. Remember the Careers Roadshow that will be taking place in school each year in January.

Careers Fair 2018

The Careers Fair Friday 19th January 2018 in the main hall for all year groups. In attendance will be a wide range of Higher Education providers, Employers and Apprenticeships.

Careers Key stage 4 years 10 and  11

This year we will be using UNIFROG and in tutorial you will be CV writing, looking at different career pathways, skills for studying in sixth form, looking at Apprenticeships and opportunities for employment in the local area.

Careers Mock Interviews

These will be conducted through the citizenship lessons and for students in Years 12 and 13 these will be conducted with the Head of Sixth form.

Careers Key stage 4

January 2018 Careers advice meetings will be arranged for entry into the sixth form. Key stage 3 and 4, the Apprenticeship Fair at the Guildhall in Preston takes place on the 13th March 2018. This event is beneficial for all year 9,10 and 11 pupils.
