Headteacher’s Blog


I have gone through 11 Ofsted inspections in my career and whilst I have clearly survived and thrived, I have found myself profoundly bruised by some of my encounters. I have been involved in the overturning of an Ofsted judgement which culminated in the inspector being struck off and us getting a full apology from…
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Busy Year at Moor Park

This has been a very busy year at Moor Park. It is safe to say that recovering from pandemic lockdowns has been more  challenging than anyone could have predicted, it has affected some of our young people acutely and we have seen behaviours and attitudes that were very uncommon prior to the pandemic. Attendance has…
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Battle of the Bands

Last night myself and my daughter attended the Battle of the Bands at a live music venue in Preston. The event was arranged and organised by Claire Brook and the Lancashire Music Service and was fantastic our young people performed brilliant renditions of Metallica and the Cranberries and our ex-Head Prefect Kian Welsh played a…
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Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II I know that we will all, in our own ways, mourn the sad passing of Queen Elizabeth. She has been a constant in all of our lives and has been a figure of certainty and comfort for so many. Queen Elizabeth’s reign spanned exponential change and modernisation in British public life: from…
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New Year

We start this academic year on a positive foot having posted some excellent examination results and enjoyed a scorching Lancashire summer holiday. The break was well deserved and I hope that you are all refreshed and ready for what I know will be an excellent school year. Last year we emerged from a prolonged crisis…
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